Questvertising (a combination of the words quest – “task” and advertising) is a concept of advertising activities based on setting simple tasks for the user-recipient. Performing the desired action usually requires reading the advertising message, which is the main goal of questvertising.
Source: Wikipedia
In practice, questvertising usually takes the form of questpasses, i.e. ads with a question about the content of the ad. Indication of the correct answer confirms that the user has read the advertisement with understanding (100% visibility with 0% banner-blindness!). Only then is the rest of the article revealed.
Thus, questpasses act as a captcha, weeding out bots and eliminating ad-fraud from the campaign. The format itself allows you to bypass adblocks and reach people who do not see regular ads.
What is crucial in times of crisis – the fee is charged only for the correct answer, so it is an efficiency settlement model. CPQ – Cost Per solved Questpass.
Check how it works in practice.
Solve the questpass and get access to the entire article
The user gets the possibility of free access to valuable content. His “payment” to the Publisher can be a moment of attention, dedicated to clicking the right answer to the question about the advertisement visible above. No need to buy subscriptions and to transfer money as in typical paywalls. For those willing, there is also a premium account that turns off quests in exchange for supporting the Publisher with a small amount of money.
Thanks to Questpass, the Advertiser can finally be sure that the User will notice his advertisement, and even knowingly read its content. This is a colossal qualitative change in a world dominated by a mass of ubiquitous, annoying advertisements that nobody reads.
The publisher can finally fully monetize his potential, without cluttering the User with a mass of traditional ads. The Publisher also becomes more independent from advertisers, as not being pushed to seek additional sponsored texts or affiliate programs. And he does not have to hide his content behind an ordinary paywall, which would greatly limit the reach among readers.
Questvertising is used by renowned media houses and top brands, including Mercedes, GSK, Disney, Allegro, Avon, Pru, Lenovo, Electrolux.

Do you want to check what an advertisement for your brand would look like in a version compliant with the rules of questvertising?
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